Monday 9 July 2012

Pre-production! Yikes!

Well. It is finally here. It is the week before my next short film shoot. This occasion is quite monumental for me because it is my first time on set since getting sick and nearly snuffing it etc.

Pre-production is always quite nerve wracking. Making a film is alchemy, and everything that can go wrong usually does. In fact it would be very weird if it didn't. How any of us ever pull it off is a miracle in itself, I think! But I hope to have something quirky, sexy and memorable as the end result :-D

Today I am converting my final shot list into a 'storyboard' which is always a laugh given that I cannot draw and even my stick people look like they've been done by a 3 year old. But storyboard I must or the cinematographer will have no idea what I want the film to look like.

'So what is this film about?' I hear you cry... Well I'm not telling you! LOL! In fairness, though, I will reveal the following details: It is just under 3 minutes long. It is set to music but it is not a pop video - it is a story/film. It has lesbians in it and yes, they will be frolicking in the sheets! (What more do you want?!).

For those of you who are interested in my work as a novel writer... I am on the second half of part 3 of 'The Legend Of Pope Joan'. I had hoped to have finished it by now but my film work has temporarily taken over, but it should be done by the end of July and released by the end of August if all goes to plan.

For those of you not familiar with what I do - I am a 'Storyteller' in that I write, produce and direct film and theatre and also write novels (and sometimes act, and sometimes take photographs but try to avoid drawing ;-)...) oh yeah and that other thing that pays the bills - I teach! Here is the link to my website where you can watch my first few films and find out more about my first novel 'After The Night'.

I will post some images of the film shoot at the end of the weekend. It will be premiered and specially featured on the 'One More Lesbian' media site so I will put up that link once it is ready.

Best wishes

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